School-based Environmental Management of Asthma: Strategies and Health Equity Implications

Release Date: 08/05/2024
Expiration Date: 08/05/2027

Cost: Free for NASN members and non members!

Upon successful completion of this offering,
participants will be awarded 1.0 Nursing Continuing Professional Development (NCPD) contact hour.

Instructions to Complete This NCPD Program
To receive a Certificate of Completion and be awarded NCPD contact hours for this program, follow the steps below, and complete and view the full content of the program including the program evaluation. If an assessment is included in the content, you will need to have 75% of the answers correct in order to pass the assessment. You will also have unlimited retakes on the assessment.

Step 1: Enroll in the program through the e-commerce system. Select the Purchase button. You will be directed to the e-commerce system. The program should already be in your shopping cart (look for the shopping cart icon at the top of the e-commerce web page). Select the shopping cart and choose "check out." You will receive a confirmation email with a link back to this program after your transaction.

Step 2: Complete and view the full content of the program. Content items are indexed at the bottom of this screen. After you enroll, you will return to this screen. The first content item will be “unlocked” so that you can begin completing the course. Subsequent items will “unlock” as you complete previous items.

Step 3: Retrieve the certificate.  After completing all content items, you will earn a certificate. You can save or print it.  Certificates are also stored in your Learning Center Profile.

Program Overview

This educational activity supports the school nurses’ development of skills and knowledge to effectively manage and improve health outcomes for children with asthma. Following this approach, interdisciplinary teams can achieve successful asthma management for children and their caregivers that builds student and family capacity for asthma self-management, self-advocacy, and learning. This session encourages school nurses to actively collaborate with students, parents, and healthcare providers to identify environmental triggers and implement evidence-based environmental interventions for asthma.

Uncontrolled asthma, leading to increased school absenteeism, has a negative impact on both health and academic outcomes. To support health equity, the school nurse is ideally situated to provide asthma education and support access to the school environment and a medical home. All students, regardless of medical diagnosis, deserve health equity, “a fair and just opportunity to achieve their highest level of health.” Historically, specific communities have experienced higher morbidity and mortality related to asthma, i.e. families experiencing poverty, African American families and Native American/Indigenous families. We will cover school nurse specific health equity strategies to help address these disparate asthma outcomes.

Learning Outcomes
As a result of participating in this educational activity, learners will be able to:

  •  Identify common environmental triggers that impact the severity of asthma.
  •  Demonstrate use of an environmental history form to assess a student's environmental exposures.
  •  Recommend prevention and intervention strategies to eliminate exposures to environmental triggers, mobilizing a collaborative interdisciplinary team to manage asthma successfully.
  •  Articulate asthma health disparities and health equity strategies to incorporate into school nurse practice.

Intended Audience
This nursing continuing professional development program is developed to meet the educational needs in the area of nursing practice and knowledge for registered nurses who are interested in child, adolescent health, community/public health, and school nursing.


Christy Haas-Howard, MPH, RN, BA, BS, NCSN, AE-C
Program Director, Health
National Environmental Education Foundation

Karen Graf, MSN, RN-BC, APHN
Nursing Education and Practice Specialist
National Association of School Nurses

Faculty and Nurse Planner(s) Disclosures
NASN must ensure that all educational program content is free of commercial interest, bias, influence, and that the integrity of the content is uncompromised. The intent of this disclosure is to provide learners with information on which they can make their own judgments.

The nurse planner(s), faculty, and reviewers disclose there are no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies for ALL those involved with the ability to control the content of this program.

Accreditation Statement
The National Association of School Nurses is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

Accredited status does not imply endorsement by NASN or ANCC of any commercial products discussed in this learning program.

Commercial Support or Grant Funding
This educational activity is supported by the Cooperative Agreement Number NU59EH001254 & NU58DP007086, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.